Whether your company is a start up or an emerging player, we're here to help.
Navali & Company Insurance Services (agency for Health Insurance Outlet) provides health insurance benefits and wellness programs to companies across California. Navali & Company Insurance Services provides full service health benefits regardless of the size of your company. However, we recognize that needs change depending on the size and scalability of your company. We have found that smaller companies value certainty more than anything else. Cash flows are very important to the working capital and survival of a company regardless of whether you’re in the growth or mature stage. Additionally, protection against lawsuits and everyday employee’s issues can be a large risk and burden for a small company.
Navali & Company Insurance Services recognizes this and we will work with your company to help manage your health insurance costs, educate you on current and changing legislation, and also provide the latest HR technology to help protect your company against undue risk. To make sure you get the best coverage, we work with major carriers such as Aetna, Allstate, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California, Cigna, Health Net, Kaiser Permanente, Nationwide, PacifiCare and many more.
Please click here to learn more about our group health insurance services.
What are the coverage requirements for small group plans?
Did you know in California you cannot be denied insurance coverage if you have between 2 and 50 employees? In 1992, the California State Legislature passed Assembly Bill 1672. This legislation now regulates health insurance for companies in California that have 2 to 50 employees. The major changes affected two areas: guaranteed insurance coverage; and, mandatory price limits.
Guaranteed Insurance Coverage: Specifically, AB 1672 states that no matter what the health condition of the employees and dependents applying for coverage, the insurance companies must offer group health insurance. Before this legislation, insurance companies could cancel coverage if there was a history of bad health. Now, companies like yours are protected.
How are premium rates determined for small group employers?
Mandatory Price Limits: According to AB 1672, insurance companies have to limit the price range to companies within the small group category. Insurance companies must use age-based rates (e.g., under age 30, 30-39 years old, etc.) and the insurance companies must establish a Risk Adjustment Factor (RAF) for each county they serve. This helps protect small companies by limiting the price changes year over year. Whether your employees are deemed healthy or unhealthy, the maximum price change can only be a 10 percent deviation from the standard RAF.
To learn more about group health insurance options and where your company fits, visit us here.
To get group health insurance quotes, submit your information here.